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November 2021

Dragon Day
Well obviously that reboot didn't happen. Not back in 2019 anyway.
I lost the email address.
And for a period, lost control of the domain name.
But I managed to retain most of the website, and reassembled this site using WiX.
Recently, I retrieved my Dragon-Tongue domain name, attached it back to the official Dragon Tongue website, and completed the trifecta by re-establishing a new email address, (one symbol different from my original address, but an even better match to my website).
So here, let me present to you, the current Dragon Tongue website.
Dragon Tongue

Monday 8 Nov 2021

Thought of the day​
To Dance, is to enjoy a vertical expression of a horizontal desire.

Squirrel turns 7 today.
The Dragon and his wife celebrate 6 years of very happy marriage today.

2020 -

Thought of the day​
Trumpicide: Where one single selfish moron, destroys the worlds possible future, by persuading his followers to believe lies and conspiracies in favour of the truth.

Covid Hits the world.
New Zealand went into complete Lockdown on 25 March 2020, and eventually became covid free on the 8th of Oct 2020.
So the Dragon went from a year, in a confined to bed world,
to almost a year, of a confined to home world.
At that point, New Zealand (where the dragon lives), returned to a mostly normal (but completely isolated) life, while the rest of the world appeared to struggle with varying degrees of lockdown, disbelief, riots, promotion of the latest conspiracy theory, and an ever growing death toll.

December 2018 - 2019

Thought of the day​
A horizontal expression of a vertical desire...

Prolapsed Disk:
The Dragon's back gave out. A Prolapsed Disc.
For most of a year the Dragon was unable to be upright.
After almost exactly a year later, surgery gave this dragon a completely new back. The Dragon is upright!

Wednesday 24-11-2018

Thought of the day​
a new day

Dragon Day:
Is today the day that the Dragon returns?
It has been a long time since this web site was last updated, and so much has happened in the meantime.
First, let's cover the reason why the Dragon has been so quiet for so long.
Back in September of 2006, the Dragon's wife died. Dragon Tongue and his wife had been together for almost 30 years, so understandably, it took a little getting over, and required some re-organisation of his life.
In 2007 the Dragon thought about restarting the site.
Then again in 2009 a more serious push to bring the site back to life with SteamPunk icons and an iphone theme, followed by a huge range of OSX icons.
This push ended in 2010 when a hard drive meltdown caused a loss of data that included the access code into this web site. And so, despite years of back and forth with the web provider, a satisfactory solution providing access to the Dragon Tongue website was never found.
As a result, I have at long last, rebuilt this site from scratch.
Initially, I will be keeping as much of the feel of the previous site as I can.
But over time, who knows where we may take each other.
I thank you for your enormous patience,
Dragon Tongue

8 Nov 2015

Thought of the day​
X-men or Avengers?

The Dragon's Squirrel has a mutant KCNT1 gene.
This particular gene effects the potassium channels in her cells, which limits their ability to communicate with each other. So, messages sent from one part of her body to another, mostly don't get there.
Therefore, she is non-mobile.
She also has seizures every night. Among other things, seizures tend to erase memory.
This means that she will often have to relearn everything over and over, and as a result, has never learned to speak.
It could be said that she is permanently about 6 months old.

8 Nov 2015

Thought of the day​
a new life.

Up to Date:
Many years after the Dragons first wife of 30 years, died on 17 Sept 2006,
The Dragon met his new lady in April of 2012.
Their daughter 'Squirrel' was born in November of 2014.
The Dragon and his lady were married on Squirrels first birthday in 2015.

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