Yes I know, the following is Impossible and somewhat childish...
but it's what I carried around in my head as a young boy...
I used to believe some of it... and in some cases I still do.
"Anything is possible... and nothing is a fact."
"The best Ideas will come from those who don't know any better"
For these Ideaz, Click here to go to Page 1
Shape of Time - Predicting the Future - Inertia of Time - Reflection of Time - Fullspeed Backwards - Relative Time - From Zero to the Speed of
Time, .in a Lifetime - Inertia of Life - Tardis Factor - Mass - Blackhole - Life of Blackhole - Temp - Shape of the Earth - Continental Drift - Motors -
This is Ideaz Page 2
All the Ideas on this page are listed in the menu to the right of this window.
Click on any topic that interests you to jump straight to that idea.
For these Ideaz, Click here to go to Page 3
Evolution - Universal Edge - Time Bubble - Speed of Time - Falling into a blackhole - Instant space travel - Time Slippage
SPACE SUCKS Alternate BIG BANG theory - Was the World Larger? - Moon - Black Holes - Elastic Time - Ripples in Time -
Tacking in Time - Leaning into Time - Fictional Alien Time. - Origins of "Embarrassment" - Concept for story -
Ring Modular Personal Assistant - Can we see Black-Holes? - Older nerve structure
I'm writing this because I noticed that a lot of the ideas that I used to have...
...I have forgotten.
So before I lose any more... I will try to get them on web/paper.
Some of these ideas may make no sense as yet.. they are more to help me remember.
Hopefully, I will flesh them out one day.
This page will be updated at times.

Matter Transfer:
From here to there without passing in-between
Instead of trying to move mass from one place to another, the answer is to analyse mass, identify all atomic components and their relative positions, store this info as data, move the data, use the data to recreate an exact original copy.
The mass must be frozen first...
Then, with a focused (or resonantly emphasised) magnetic or gravitational force, each atom is stripped off, one by one, layer by layer.
The atom is flung past a consistently attractive force. The degree of atom curve will identify the atom accurately. This technology is available now.
The original mass is destroyed, but can be rebuilt from the data.
All the data is stored or transmitted to a 'receiver rebuilder'.
Using a stockpile of all atom types, and by running the above process in reverse, the original mass can be recreated. and then unfrozen. (unfreezing living organic mass is still future technology)
removing, storing something unwanted. eg instead of prison, 'microdot' offender. (ok this use is very radical)
Traveling to other planets. Put a 'receiver rebuilder' on a planet, and transmit data to it.
Reproducing units. transmit to multiple 'receiver rebuilders'. This 'atomic level' cloning process will enable the cloning of people with existing memories! Normal cloning will never achieve this. Cloning of inorganic objects is also possible this way. For mass producing future computer chips, or extremely high-density DVD type disks etc.
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helicopter-blades - Atoms
When a helicopter blade spins, it is hard to see.
If it is spun at the speed of electrons, and the ratio of blade to non-blade was the same as the electron to non-electron of an atom, then the blade would be totally invisible.
One layer of atoms is invisible for this same reason.
By influencing an object's mass with an incredibly strong resonant magnetic field pulsing at the same rate as an electron revolves about its atom. All electrons can be persuaded to move 'in-phase' with each other. With all the atoms and their electrons lined up behind each other, the rear atoms will appear to hide behind the front atoms, (from some angles) if the front layer of atoms is invisible... then all the atoms will appear to be invisible when lined up.
Through Walls
If the atoms of 2 'balls' are influenced by the same RMPF (resonant magnetic pulse field) then the atoms of both balls will be in faze with each other. When atoms are out of faze, the area that their electrons take up, overlap and repel each other. When the atoms are 'in-faze', the electrons of separate atoms never come near each other. And since the electron size is comparatively incredibly small in comparison to the distance between electrons. They never collide. The spaces between the electrons is so large that the two balls can be passed through each others area without touching.
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Safety Space
Reverse facing:
All collisional accidents in space will be 'head on'. Therefore, the body should be cushioned in a large cocoon of highly absorbent material. The human body copes with pressure from behind, much better than from the front, so all space travelers should travel backwards. Inertia will push their backs into the cushion, during a collision.
There should be no forward facing windows. Forward vision should be achieved with the use of monitors.
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Survival Helmet
Because of the speed of vehicles in future space collisions, survival will be very difficult and unlikely. Therefore, a 'Survival Helmet' should be used.
The 'Survival Helmet' will detect the severity of the collision, (a bit like seatbelts do now).
Once the sensors predict a greater than survivable threshold, the 'Survival Helmet' activates.
The Survival Helmet is a highly armored sphere that spins a blade through the wearer's neck. Its main aim is to ignore the body and other disposable attachments, and focus on keeping the brain and 'self' intact.
The Helmet is made up of an instant robotic surgery bio integrity device, an artificial blood purifier, a circulatory system and cryogenic unit, a self-survival computer, and rescue beacon.
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Hydromatic suspension 3dAutobanking
Using an inertia sensor... (a simple example of this would be a weight on a string) the system can identify the direction and degree of acceleration of the vehicle, (left, right, forward or back.)
When the vehicle accelerates forward (or decelerates while in reverse) the rear wheels push down, lifting the rear of the vehicle, and pushing the passengers down into their seats.
When the vehicle decelerates forward (or accelerates while in reverse) the front wheels push down, lifting the front of the vehicle, and pushing the passengers down into their seats.
When the vehicle accelerates left, the right wheels push down, lifting the left side of the vehicle, and pushing the passengers down into their seats.
When the vehicle accelerates right, the left wheels push down, lifting the left sideof the vehicle, and pushing the passengers down into their seats.
The over-all feeling is one of 'floating' or flying along the road.
And road traction and anti-roll is greatly increased.
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Inertia Drive
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DragonFly Skim Sail Board (butterfly) (foldaway)
A Sailboard with two sails, (left and right).
On the top of each mast is a lightweight inflatable float (sub-board).
The masts have a gentle curve, reaching out like the wings of a bird.
The craft has 3 modes of use:
Float ( balanced, each wing out of the water, reduced forward acceleration)
Tack left (the left float touches the water, the right sail is upright, maximum acceleration)
Tack right (the right float touches the water, the left sail is upright, maximum acceleration)
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Foldaway Catamaran
The catamaran hinges down the middle so that one hull swings over above the other, top hull upside down.
Suitable for compact land transportation.
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Foldup Canal Raft
The Canal Raft is a series of interconnecting canal boats that travel in series (one after the other) while in the canals,... however, they can be Jackknifed, Folded, concertinaed while in lakes oceans or large rivers.
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Venetian (Catamaran) Sail:
A single fixed square sail made up of multiple fins (thin wings) runs down the middle of the Cat.
The sail does not move for tacking, all the fins move in unison.
The advantages over a standard sail are:
Quicker tacking... (changing directions)
More stable weight distribution... the weight of the sail doesn't shift from the center of the boat.
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Polarized headlights (horizontal) Polarized windscreens (vertical)
Reflected light becomes polarised in the direction of the surface is bounces off.
Therefore, light (glare) bouncing off a wet road is polarised horizontally.
By polarising windscreens vertically, the road glare is reduced.
By polarising all headlights horizontally, means that direct light from headlights through windscreens is also cut. Headlight glare is reduced.
Objects like animals, people, fences, poles all bounce light with random polarity, therefore they can be easily seen.
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Foldaway Inline Skates
Blades fold up beside the foot (blade side up) (spring loaded)
Foot operated lever saves having to bend over to activate the skates.
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Wake reduction
Large Catamarans create quite a lot of destructive wake in narrow channels.
By dragging a large inflatable 'Lilo' type blanket behind the craft, will reduce the damaging wake.
Positives: greater speed allowed.
Negatives: higher fuel consumption, difficulty backing.
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Osteo in Space
Bones lose strength in zero gravity.
Bones sense vibrations ... vibrations stimulate growth.
Tapping fingernails onto a desktop will stimulate stronger nail growth.
This is an evolutionary response. Many parts of the body are designed to react to environmental stimulus.
Bones sense vibrations and pressure as a threat to their structure. Fewer vibrations suggest less threat, therefore no need to maintain structural strength.
In zero gravity, there are practically zero vibrations.
In normal gravity, bones receive percussive stimulation from walking, and gravitational stress in the direction of required strength, from standing.
There is a simple inexpensive (zero gravity) way to reproduce the percussive stimulation required for normal gravitational strength:
Put speakers in the soles of the footwear, facing up into the feet.
Vibrations from outside the normal hearing range can be used without distraction, plus musical sub-bass channels, plus all voices (or any sounds from near user) can be added to foot channel, plus 'octave splitter' technology can be used to create sympathetic (non-distracting) lower harmonics.
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The Meaning of Life
The meaning of life can be found in any dictionary...
the real question is "What is the Reason for Life?"
To 'Grow' towards Death
(The Meaning of Human life .... To Love)
the reason for life is to create life
(the following R not necessarily correct... yet)
the opposite of Good is Bad however, the opposite of Church or Christianity is NOT Bad or Evil... it is SCIENCE.
Science is fact, proof etc. Church is faith, belief... so is Wicca, Witchcraft, Satanism... (I am NOT saying that Wicca & Satanism R at all similar of course). Church and Wicca or Satanism R partners.. (not similar)... in that they both feed each other.
If Science is not 'bad' then Church is not necessarily good. or is it?
Animal - Man
Animals live... for now.
Man lives for Tomorrow
(One hopes)
Adams Rib
A floating rib is one of the most accessible bones in the human body.If removed, it would be missed less than most others.
Bone marrow is excellent for growing cultures and small life forms.
Adams rib could have been one of the more likely places for the growing of a genetically engineered mark 2 model. eg Eve.
Cain went to the City...
If Adam was the first man, and Cain was the son of Adam, who built the city that Cain visited?
I suggest that although Adam may have been the first man.... but he was simply the first of a number of first men.
The Brain
'Holographic' tissue, all areas share all.. surface of the brain does most of the work, inner tissue supports it.
The brain is a forest
memories are interconnecting paths, the more a path is used, the clearer the path becomes.
If a path is unused, it will grow over... the memory will fade.
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Artificial Memory
AI struggles in the correct use of memory.
This is a potential idea for AI memory.
The Artificial Memory remembers words:
Each word has 2 'importance values'.
One value varies depending on the amount of use of the word, (more use, more value)
the second value is preset by the memories 'Trainer'. (can be turned off)
The Artificial Memory remembers words inter-relationships:
Each word has multiple 'memory map' links to other words.
(the use of 3d holographic memory might be handy)
Each link has a 'priority value' and a 'descriptor'.
The 'Link priority value' varies with use...
(Descriptor eg: sounds like, comes from, similar to, the property of, turns into, under, etc)
The 'AM Brain's' aim is to:
find more links...
find more words...
determine the meaning of words from link relationships...
grow and evolve.
Artificial Emotive personality
uncertain quite how to implement this yet...
'Self Survival Channel '
Identify and label certain situations with positive and negative priority values.
Values are allocated depending on whether the situation was good for the 'Artificial Mind's' own survival.
'Other Channels '
Values can also be allocated to other channels:
Mankind's survival, friends survival, etc...
The Artificial Mind's job is to increase the chances of a positive situation occurring, and decrease the chances of a negative situation occurring.
Each channel should have a 'trainer' controlled priority value. So the 'mind' knows which channel to focus on.
(unfinished... more to come)....
The Language of Cells
Cells within a body communicate with each other. they don't need to touch each other to communicate. The limitations to communication seem to be distance, not a physical connection.
When the cells of one body (A), come near the stressed cells of another body (B), the cells in the body (A) will react. They feel the stress.
Likewise, the cells of one person will communicate with the cells of another person, when in close proximity.
The cells of a brain will communicate with the cells of another brain if close enough... however, since almost every brain has grown its own language, the two brains don't understand each other. And don't even recognise that they are communicating.
Identical twins have brains with the most similar language, so they may show signs of telepathy at times.
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Evolution requires a species to suffer severe hardship that causes the death of weaker varieties.
Ever since mankind has been looking after the weaker of its own species, it has been devolving.
The stronger and brighter members of the human race are having fewer offspring, while the weaker members are being supported to have large numbers of children. Therefore, mankind is devolving.
Shrinking genepool
The more we travel between countries, the smaller the planet appears, the more interbreeding between all races of Man, the more we all become related to each other. Eventually, we will all have the same genetic background. For the survival of mankind, we will have to either artificially introduce new genes, or create isolated pockets of Man for periods long enough to evolve new characteristics.
Undersea Man, Moon Man, Mars Man, Space Man, and Dome Man are possible examples of this.
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Are ghosts remnants from the dead? No. If a body dies, and its spirit leaves the body... where does it go?.. and more importantly.. WHEN does it go? Instantly? within seconds? minutes? hours? Days?
If a spirit were to leave its body... most believers would suggest less than minutes. If this were to be so... What of the temporary dead? (eg someone falls in a frozen river and drowns, many hours later they are revived, and have a total recovery.) When they drowned, they were dead. Did the spirit leave them, float around awhile, follow them to hospital, and re-enter them when they were revived?
(this has already started to come true)
The swing from Science to Alternate healing and Religion and Supernatural Beliefs.
As the superbug and others become more resistant to existing standard medicine...
as the phobia of genetic engineering grows...
and as AIDS continues to be uncured, people will begin to lose faith in Medical Science.
They will find it difficult to identify and separate real alternative cures, from fake opportunistic quackery.
Alternative cures will become the norm, while Science, Medicine, and Genetics will become the untrusted last option.
"Green" and "Natural" will become centrally used words in Religions and Supernatural Cults, which will both become very popular.
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Terrorist-proof replacement for the 'Twin Towers'
Instead of building up tall towers from the ground, they could be floated and tethered.
Using balloon or Blimp technology, they could have inert gas cavities throughout the buildings.
They could even tether a satellite to ground zero.
By placing 'inert gas compartments' at regular intervals up the tether, the overall strength won't need to be as high.
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Music Companies move back to Full Album Tracks to compete with mp3's
Because the average song is only about 3 to 5 minutes long, mp3's are very easy to download.
If music companies use their manipulative advertising muscle to change the length of popular music to epic-sized 30, 60, or even 90 minutes long, then mp3's will become much less popular, because listeners will want the complete track, not just parts of it.
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(Matter Transfer) Data compression:
Using the Matter Transfer (as mentioned above) is very slow, due to the incredibly huge amount of data needed to transfer. So data compression will become important. This may include 'predictable samples' where under certain circumstances it can be predicted what data will come next.
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Cellular as opposed to Atomic.
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Most of the Greatest ideas will come from one who doesn't know better.
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Internet CyberStates
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Tiger Woods
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Medical: Skin Solvents
Take a mold of the area of skin requiring an operation.
After the operation is complete... the skin is placed back in place, then a solvent is applied, which temporarily dissolves the skin.
The mold is then placed over the area while the skin sets and reforms, leaving no scar.
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Computers do thinking...
Computers do heavy work..
All that will be left is hobbies for pleasure
Unemployment will be huge.
The stigma of unemployment will need to be removed. This can be done by making all work unpaid. It won't need to be paid, because work is a pleasurable pastime... work and play become one. It won't need to be paid, because everyone is paid, whether they work or not.
Everyone is paid enough to live very comfortably, plus enough to cover the costs of whatever hobbies they may have.
Future Finances: enough to live on plus hobbies
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More bits to add:
Rogue Time fibers:
Are we traveling through time... or is time traveling through us?
If we are traveling through time... what is the force that pulls us through it? Is it related to gravity? do larger masses travel through time faster? Will we eventually reach the attractive force source? Will time stop then?
Or, if time is traveling through us... is it like a huge river, all flowing together in one long mass?
Earth travels in one unified mass but is occasionally struck by small rogue masses (meteorites etc).
Is it possible that there could be small rogue time elements traveling in other directions? would a rogue time element be influenced by the larger time mass and eventually become one with it?
The center of the time mass would be more consistent, while the outer edges of the time mass would be more likely to have rogue elements.
What would happen if one was struck by a rogue time fibre?
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Dreams as related to AI:
To describe a dream is like trying to describe a world in four words.
A world can be a collection of up to 20 interactive personalities, each with their own past, present, future; dreams, fears desires. Surrounding those personalities are other blank personalities... (characters that appear to have personalities, etc, but are never interacted with)... they are background.
A blank personality becomes a real personality simply by interacting with it.
Each place in the world has its own mood.
A world is an intelligence with multiple memories...
Computer A.I. bots all have Alzheimers.
They need a memory so that they can recall what they have been talking about...
A memory is made up of groups of interrelated information, that are continually being checked for similarity (of Nouns).
An input that partially matches an existing memory could trigger an output (the memory is quoted).
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Vector Gods:
When writing the story "The Flies" I used the concept of a 'multicomplex entity', a race that shared memory throughout its population... a collective memory where all members of the race knew the memories of its parents from birth, practically all the way back to the beginning of the original species source. All members were related, with an almost identical genetic make-up. The memory was not only vertical through history... it was also horizontal. This meant that they had shared co-operativethought. They knew what each other was doing... and feeling... at any time.
Obviously, this is fictional, but it gave me reason to wonder (deepum thunkis) as to whether an entity could exist with shared co-operative thought.
And I have come to the conclusion that yes, they most definitely do exist... to varying degrees.
We are ourselves, to one extent, an example of shared co-operation... (but could this be seen as though?) All the cells in our body communicate co-operatively.
Ants co-operate and communicate primitively... (but again... is it thought?)
Gaia is a concept of auto balancing co-operative feedback loops... but does it think?
If in fact Gaia exists... I would label it a 'non-sentient entity'...A self-correcting, self-sustaining life form that exists, but does not know of its own existence.
I am sure there are others in the universe somewhere... but could there be more here on earth? I think yes.
I believe it is possible that we humans have for years been creating our own non-sentient entities... and most have gone unnoticed.
I will call them 'MiniGods' because they mostly have short lives and the name seems to fit.
In the same way that we don't notice our own cells communicating... I believe it possible that our cells, or brains, or emotions, could create tiny little unnoticed energy forces that interact/co-operate with other neighboring energy forces.
Why do I say this? Because I believe we see examples of these 'MiniGods', without realising what we are seeing.
Often when we gather together, a communal energy force is created. These forces appear in positive or negative forms and seem to be unchangeable in direction. Because of this, I call them 'VectorGods'. In some ways, it could be said that they have their own 'inertia'.
What are these VectorGods that I speak of?
Well, an example could be seen in a riot.
A Riot is a MiniGod of strongly negative direction... (a negative vector) a crazed self-perpetuation mass hysterical energy force that takes over the minds feeding it. Supposing that the energy force of a riot was an entity, then I would call it a non-sentient negative vector-god.
At least, I hope it is non-sentient.
Some wars could be called vector gods...
It seems easier to find negative vector gods than positive. I'm not sure whether this is because negative vector gods are naturally stronger and more common... or just that I haven't identified the best place to look for them yet.
Some evangelical church congregations may be examples of a positive vector god.
I would suggest that music may have an influence in focusing positive vectors.
If these vector gods do exist
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To Fly :
Never leap from the top of a height. Always take off from the lowest point. That way... if it fails... you get the opportunity to try it again.
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Of course... None of this is a Fact.
But some of it ... may just turn out to be ...
a Truth.