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Evidence of Time Travel
Answers to Everything

Time Travelling and Universal Questions


Has anyone ever Time Travelled?


Evidence of Time Travel


looking back… there have been many times when the human race ALMOST died out, or there was a major catastrophe that ALMOST happened, but somehow didn’t.


Almost as if… someone went back and fixed the problem, to ensure that we survived.


This would involve the ability to travel backwards in time.


But if travelling into the past were possible, wouldn't there be historical evidence of people being out of time… some examples of people in the past that didn’t belong?


No, not if time travel into the past, actually involved someone travelling backwards in time… as opposed to jumping back into the past and then travelling forwards (as most sci-fi stories show us).


If the traveller were actually travelling backwards, to the earliest point in time where they make the first change to the timeline

the previous timeline (and the timeline that includes the backward travelling person) will cease to exist as it becomes over-written by the new timeline including the new forward travelling person.


Using this technique, all backward travelling time travellers would then have to travel forwards along with the rest of us.

The timeline would appear normal, although SOME of these time travellers may appear to have outstanding knowledge or intelligence, or may appear to be very stylistically or musically original…


History seems to be full of examples of these people.





Can Time Travel Backwards?


My answer is yes.


and forwards.


One theory I have is that we are already travelling through time backwards.


In which case I will interpret that you are asking can time travel forwards.


Here is my time speed direction idea: (theory)


If we can see the same distance in one direction of any dimension as we can in the opposite direction…

And yet we can see twice that distance in the leading direction of a dimension and zero in the following direction, if travelling at the speed of light…

it makes me wonder…


When we look at time, a dimension where we appear to be travelling in one direction (future), while being able to see only in the opposite (past), if memories can be interpreted as seeing into the past.


Then, if time were to be treated in the same way as the other 3 dimensions, 
it could be suggested, that we are travelling backwards through time, at the speed of light.

Since travelling in any other dimension at the speed of light, also automatically limits our view to only the forward view…

And travelling backwards in any other dimension at the speed of light, automatically limits our view to only the view behind us, (the direction of our travel).


This does appear to be somewhat similar to the view that we have of time… 
but backwards
It should be the other way around.


Based on our understanding of the 3 main dimensions that we live in, 
the 4th dimension (time) should run the other way around.


We should be seeing in the direction that we are travelling. We are not.


This suggests to me that we may, in fact, be travelling through time backwards.


This also suggests that it should be possible to travel through time forwards.


I propose that although it may seem normal to us, to passage through time in the manner that we do… it may not be the norm.


Time could well be running backwards.


The normal way to move through time, should enable us to see where we are going… to see into the future.

And seeing into our past is not overly useful.


Sure, we may have adapted well to our backward environment, but knowing where we are going, would make more sense than knowing where we have been.


If we are travelling in the 4th dimension backwards from the norm,

this would suggest that travelling the other way through time, IS the norm.


So how does one travel the other way?

Is there another SIDE to time?

(eg in the time curve that shows maximum time speed at the local centre, and minimum time speed in the distant Personal Universal Event Horizon (PUEH)).

The other side of the time curve would show minimum time speed at the local centre, and maximun time speed at the distant PUEH.

So time would run backwards on one side of the line (our side), and forwards on the other.

In other words, time could run both directions at the same time.


Would we see something travelling in the opposite direction in time?


If the 4th dimension (time) were running in both directions concurrently, 
and something (or someone) were to pass by in the same space of the other same 3 dimensions as we are right now… would we notice?


Alternatively, time may not run both directions at the same time… time may run one way, and then the other, bouncing back and forth, infinitely repeating.


potentially running alongside the expansion and contraction of the universe. 

If that is what it did.


I seem to be posing more questions than answers...





Could we be travelling through time backwards?



Full speed backwards

One model for looking at time travel... (as in the way we all travel along/with it...)

... is to imagine a vehicle in which we R all travelling, flat-out, facing backwards...

only able to see where we have been, not where we are going.


This is generally regarded as not such a good way to travel.


However, we all seem to treat/accept this as normal, when travelling the road of time.


If for some reason we were forced to travel all vehicles in such a manner... we would very quickly have developed some way of seeing out the back of the vehicle... (the direction of travel) either with mirrors or video camera and screen etc.


Why then do we not attempt the same with Time?


If, in our 'backwardly travelling vehicle, mirrors and cameras were impossible... we would either attempt to stop the vehicle, or calculate (guess)/predict what we may be about to travel into... or pretend it isn't happening and close our eyes/minds to the idea.


If we were to try to predict what we may be about to travel into... we would need to use our knowledge of where we had been (the past).


If the vehicle seems to have been travelling down a road or rail, then one may predict a slightly higher chance of the road/rail continuing off into our future. (no change... more of the same.. safe.. predictable... boring).


Sooner or later one may expect a bend ahead. This is change, relatively unpredictable.


Everyone so far has said “No, we cannot travel backwards in time”.

But that is not what I am suggesting. 

I am not saying anything about going backwards relative to the natural direction. 

I am simply suggesting that we may be looking at time the wrong way around.

A little like, which way does electricity travel? From positive to negative or negative to positive?

 Or why is the top of earths map the top? When it could have been the bottom.






Could the past come from the future?



A Cyclic Future History


Replacing the internet, comes a much faster, instant implanted interface, where all knowledge is spread in a torrent style process… automatically shared from the nearest to the furthermost person.


With the aid of these implants etc, a large part the future human population are plugging in, to become one of the ‘Connected’ or 'Advanced', to gain instant communication and a shared knowledge of everything…

We shall call this group, 'Group A’.


And a smaller part of the population choosing to continue as 'Basic Human', to retain their individuality, freedom, and privacy.

We shall call this group, 'Group B’.


Group A become more and more advanced over time, with Additive Technology, improving their mental and physical abilities. Group A become the Elite.


Group B become less valued.

Because shared Advanced Intelligence has been added to the Group A’s, it is realised that certain rules need to be applied.

In the same way that A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) needs rules to keep humans safe.


So does A.+I. (Advanced Intelligence) need rules and laws, for the very same reasons.


On the other hand, It is realised that if certain facts are added to the shared knowledge, then it may very well limit Group A's understanding and advancement.

(For example, if an understanding that 'UP always equals UP, and can never equal DOWN’, ever becomes set as a FACT, then an advanced mind, no matter how hard it tries, can never conceive of the possibility that UP could equal DOWN.

Even if there WERE a situation where UP DID equal DOWN.)


And so it was decided that all Group A’s fundamental rules and facts must be able to be reviewed by specially trained ‘Unplugged' Group B Humans. These few became the ‘GOLDEN Group B’.


Over time, because Group B received less funding and support, their numbers dwindled.


A Hybrid group is formed from Group B, using the technology and advancements of Group A, without the instantly shared knowledge. So their privacy was maintained, and they could think for themselves. They became a secret group, unknown of by either Group A or B.

We shall call them Group C.


One of the fundamental rules of Group A was to protect Group B.

But this created a conflict.


Group A saw Group B as beneath them.

A separate rule was for Group A to ensure the protection of The GOLDEN.


The GOLDEN were from within Group B.


If The GOLDEN were able to overwrite a Group A rule, then this made them extremely important, and/or apparently dangerous to Group A.


And so, even though a rule forced Group A to protect Group B… Group A wanted Group B gone.


Group C, on the other hand, could see the importance of The GOLDEN, and made it their primary goal, to protect The GOLDEN.


Over time, Group A were able to interpret the rules in a modified way…


This meant that the protection of only a singular Group B GOLDEN Human would fulfil the rules.

This became the new rule.


Group C could see that Group A’s new interpretation of the rules was unsustainable and wrong.

So they made it their new goal to ensure the survival of all GOLDEN, all their families, and as many of the other Group B’s as was possible.


A large percentage of Group B died off.

Group C had a dilemma. To hide The GOLDEN, or to get one of them to Group A’s network interface, to change that rule.


The first GOLDEN that attempted to connect to the 'plugged in’s network, had an accident.


He was ‘accidentally' electrocuted as soon as he logged in to the interface.


Group A immediately investigated the incident, and found no fault or blame. It was deemed an accident.


So Group C chose to move the other GOLDEN into hiding.


There are two possible paths here, and which one was taken is hard to determine.


It may well be that this confusion is/was intensional.


What we do know is that they were taken to a place where they could not be found:


One possibility is that The GOLDEN were taken to another planet, where they began all over again.


The other possibility is that The GOLDEN were sent into the past.

Back to a primitive time before man was thought to have existed.


Either way, Group C monitored them, and revisited them a number of times, at times changing things, to ensure their survival.


In case you haven’t noticed, the GOLDEN, are us.








Is it possible to see the future?


Predicting the Future


The future IS predictable. It CAN be predicted... but more by exclusion than by any fortune telling means.


What I mean is... it is relatively easy to predict what WON'T happen. 

Though... the further into the future one looks... the harder or more unreliable this becomes. 

e.g. I can state as a fact that You are NOT going to be struck by an Aeroplane in the next 5 seconds.

(If I am wrong, Ooops, I apologise)


However, for every 5 secs that one looks further into the future.. that certainty becomes progressively less concrete... 
until you reach a point where you just cannot exclude any possible future.


Predicting individual human actions is as difficult as predicting where a particular electron is at any particular time... 

However, knowing how a chemical (made up of electrons) will react is relatively simple, (it follows rules)... 

So, I surmise that, knowing how a group of people will react in future situations should be as predictable, once the rules are learned.





What is the shape of time?


The Shape of Time


The 3 Dimensional shape of Time

Imagine a trumpet bell or conical flare pointing into the future from the present.


The wide open end of the flare is the distant (unpredictable) future.


The narrowest point is now. NOW has no width at all.

There is no width in the model because we cannot move sideways in time.


The distant future has width (or spread) to allow for the various possible futures.

The further into the future... the more unpredictable and variable the possibilities are.


The Inertia of Time

This flared cone of possible futures, resembles the variable trajectory paths of bullets fired into the future.

Or any object, with Mass and Inertia.


It is because of this identical match of model shapes, that I suggest that Time has Inertia... (and possibly Mass).

Either that.. or the way we interact with time has the resultant effect of emulating Inertia...

in that time has a tendency to continue doing what it is already doing...

travelling at full force towards the future.


The Reflection of time

If the Time Inertia model works... then I suggest there needs to be an additional identical cone attached to the first. As if in a mirror image.. the second cone flares off into our past.


So we now have a Future and Past cone, touching their sharpest of singular points... now.


As we continue to travel into the future... we take the model with us... so that we are ALWAYS at now.


This model suggests something perhaps odd. It suggests potentially multiple pasts!


We already know of multiple versions of the past.


All versions of History, are merely an idea of the past.. a guess...

In most if not all cases... practically a lie.


This, however, is something quite different again from what the model is suggesting...

and as yet I haven't quite worked out a satisfactory reason/explanation for the multifarious pasts.


(Perhaps the reason we remember slightly different pasts is that we actually came from different pasts?)




Is time relative to the expansion of space?



Time Engine:

Scott’s law of time induction

(based on multiple preliminary ideas)


preliminary idea 1.

time and space are connected


assuming preliminary idea 1a:

Einstein’s Theory of relativity.

The faster an object travels, the slower its time travels.

the closer to the speed of light an object travels, the closer it gets to zero time passing.


Assuming preliminary idea 1b:

The fastest speed possible is the speed of light.

If 1a and 1b are correct, then


preliminary idea 1c:

Inverted time / Space expansion

All galaxies are accelerating away from each other.


If galaxy 1 is moving away from Galaxy 2, and 2 from 3, etc. the separating speed of all galaxies in a measurable line, must be added together (combined).


Because of the huge number of galaxies in that line, each of which is moving away from its neighbour, the furthest extremes of that line must be moving away from each other very very very quickly.


From a point near the ‘centre' of the universe (or furthest from the edge of the universe), to the edge… that distance must be expanding at the fastest possible speed measurable.


It makes sense that that speed must be the speed of light, or greater.


If 1a, 1b and 1c are correct, then preliminary idea 1d:

At the outer edge of the universe, travelling at the speed of light, 1a says that time is stationary.


At the edge, the time hasn’t changed from the time of the big bang.


Since time isn’t moving there, It is still the beginning of time at the edge of the universe.


At the ‘centre' of the universe, time is travelling forwards, at the speed of time.


From the outer edge to the centre… time is stretched / laid-out.


Time and space are one… connected… interwoven.

one creates the other.


Assuming preliminary idea 1e:

the expansion of the universe is accelerating


Side preliminary idea 1f:

Accelerated Universal expansion has been hard to explain by some, and so dark matter and dark energy have been invented to help explain the ‘why’.


But they are not needed. the answer is simple.


All energy prefers to be balanced, stable or even.


just as the membrane of a bubble likes to stretch evenly over its surface,


or a drop of water in a vacuum will expand to become gas, and then individual atoms, spreading the atoms as evenly as it can, in all directions.


If the forces that hold matter together (surface tension or the outer skin, or solids), or gravity, are NOT stronger than the forces that require matter to be evenly distributed… (the vacuum),

when the forces / pressure (such as an atmosphere) are removed,

then the ‘desire’ to expand is only counteracted by the forces that hold it together… assuming they are strong enough.


When matter is put into a vacuum… it has a desire to fill the vacuum as evenly as it can.


When matter (the universe) sits in a vacuum (the nothing outside the universe)… it will expand out into that nothing.


There is a balancing force, pulling it out until the nothing is full.


the force will continue until that nothing is no longer nothing.


the nothing outside the universe is (for all intense and purposes) infinite.


therefore, no matter how much the universe expands to fill it… it never will.


therefore the force sucking the universe out into the nothing will continue on forever.


therefore, since the force is always being applied, the expansion of the universe will continue to accelerate, until the forces that hold the universe together are overpowered.


For this continual acceleration of expansion… no dark energy is required…

just balance and the desire for all things being equal.


side note 1g:

This continual stretching of space out into the nothing will have a result eventually:

the universe will eventually be stretched so far that it will either, turn to distant atoms (plasma), or individual vectors of energy, or lost planets, or lost galaxies, or the entire universe will tear into  pieces, creating new smaller universes, or implode back on itself resulting in some bizarre new dimensional side effect.


continuation of preliminary idea 1e:

Creation of Time 1

if the outer edge of the universe stays as time zero, and time stretches forward towards the ‘centre' of the universe… then as the universe continually expands, and accelerates its expansion, new time is created at the centre of the universe and is dragged out at an ever decreasing rate the further out it goes.


The expansion of the universe gives time its direction… from zero to the present.


the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, creates time… for the future.


As that created time is stretched out over us, that future time becomes our present, and then instantly becomes our past.


continuation of preliminary idea 1e2:

Creation of Time 2

Stretching space = contracting time

3 dimensions expanding = 4th shrinking



if a rubber-band is stretched along one dimension, it will become thinner in the other two dimensions.

if a rubber sheet is stretched along its two dimensions, it will become thinner in the third dimension.

Space however, is being stretched in all three dimensions, I suggest that it should be becoming thinner in another dimension.

The obvious dimension would be the 4th, time. and it just so happens that time DOES appear to match that exactly.

It is stretching at right angles to the other 3 dimensions, and shows itself in the perception of time from any point.

From any given point (where the viewer is), time runs at maximum speed, size, stretch, (whatever you wish to call it.)

At a set distance from that point (in all directions) the universe is stretching outwards at the speed of light,

creating a sphere from which a viewer (standing at the centre point) cannot see beyond.


This dome creates an external event horizon and is almost time zero.

(because of the accelerating expansion, time zero actually sits inside the event horizon)


For all intents, as far as the viewer is concerned, this sphere IS the universe.


But the point is, time is stretched to the maximum at the centre of the sphere, and not stretched at all at the edge of the sphere.

In other words, time spans from ‘time present’ in the centre, to time zero at the outer edge.


Time as we know it lays from the outer beginning of time, to now, perfectly across all 3 dimensions of the universe.

This suggests to me that either the expansion of the universe creates time as we know it…

or time is the force that is expanding the universe.

so… Yes. They are absolutely linked.

(in my opinion)





If viewed from the outside, could the universe's lifetime appear to be very short?


i was pondering this morn... that if there were a universal big bang... 
the speed from the initial big explosion, travelling at up to the speed of light... could cause infinite time... the endless expance of time in which we exist.

Although... if the big bang were viewed from outside... 
the universe’s existence could be over in a split sec...

Due to relativity




Can we travel sideways in time?


The Time Wing

Time very likely has more than one dimension.


We only see the one dimension that we have travelled along... the one path.


We are a dot in time... and we can only see the part of time that we remember... the bit behind us... where we have just been.


Like a line drawn on paper...

because we only see the line where we have just been, does not exclude the possibility of there being other lines on the paper.


or like wires in a tangle...

just because we are only following the path of one... does not stop there from being many others.


Instead of trying to move through time by applying a force to it...

like we might push with a rocket...

How about we let time apply the force...

similarly to the way that a wing might work.


A wing does not flap or push, to lift us into the air...

it subtly suggests that the air move further on the top side of the wing, than the bottom.

moving further and faster, to catch up with where it was, rarifying the air, creating less pressure above the wing... resulting in lift.


A time wing could have a similar effect...

If time appears to travel at different rates, depending on the speed of the passenger through time...

there should be a way to use the variance in time perception, to create time rarefaction... and therefore, an imbalance of pressure at right angles to time as we perceive it.


An imbalance of pressure is a force... that would move us... sideways in time.


I tend to believe that under normal conditions, time is shaped somewhat like a flared bell... spreading out ahead of us... as a visualization of the possible futures that lay ahead of us.


I also tend to believe that time has mass and inertia... and therefore also has a similar flared bell out behind us.... representing the possible pasts we have come from.


In my image of time... there is only one now...

(Well, only one that we can ever see or be in at the moment)


A NOW that travels with us... continually taking with it the forward and backward facing flared bells or time's possibilities and pasts.


But someone else in one of the paths of our future flared-bell of time, would also have a flared past... meaning that they may have come from a slightly different past than the one that we are in now.


And so... if a time wing can be developed....


I can see the possibility of using it to move sideways in time.... into one of the other nows... that belong to our future's alternate past... or our past's alternate future.


And so... with a time wing... I suggest that travelling sideways in time... may be a lot easier than travelling backwards in time.


Travelling forwards, we already do.


(Gravity is very likely an excellent time wing... and so we may be often shifting sideways, without realising it.)






Can a right-hand rule be applied to time?



In the same way that electricity and magnetic fields and movement follows the right-hand rule.

(the force of a magnetic field, THE force of movement, the force of electricity),

Change any one, and it affects the others.

move a conductor through a magnetic field, it creates a current.

create a current in a conductor in a magnetic field, it causes movement.


So should time.

(speed, mass, time)

the higher speed of a mass, and time slows down (space time curves)

The higher mass (gravity), curves space time, slows time. (speed should be here somewhere) (speed of space expansion?)

There must be a link to gravity also… since gravity curves space time.






Is Mankind just reaching puberty?


Mankind's puberty:

the Human Race on Earth started as ‘Babies' (and needed consistent help from their parents)


They then grew/evolved to become children (and needed regular help from their parents)


We are now in our puberty, where we have become capable of destroying ourselves.


The other adults are waiting for us to show our maturity and grow up.







Could time be only half a dimension?


(Yes, I realise that Time should be seen as nothing more than a man-made label)
But we do need to stop saying ‘I know what Time is’, and be willing to rethink everything at times. 
Even if we eventually end-up, back where we started, 
saying, ‘I know what time is’, again.
Rethinking is healthy.


3 dimensions = a 6 sided cube.

The three dimensions that we freely move within, each have a front and a back.


In the same way that a cube has a top and bottom for one dimension, 
a front and back for a second dimension, 
and left and right for the third dimension.
There are 6 directions that we can move in.


With Time, the forth dimension, we are not able to move freely about in at all. 
There is only one direction, Forwards.


So really we live and interact within 3 and a half dimensions.


Time is like a forth dimension that we can see but cannot interact with.


In the same way that 2-dimensional characters may live on a piece of paper… where they can see the 3rd dimension, but cannot move into it.


We can look into the forth and see our past, but we are falling headlong into the future.


All life, that evolved with us, as far as we know, live within the same three and a half dimensions.

we seem to be somewhat dimensionally crippled.


Alien life, or any other life that evolved on a different path however, may have evolved in such a way as to interact with these dimensions in a different way.






Which is the best time travel paradox?


Here I’ll make one up:
I figure it would make a pretty good time travel paradox.


Can you imagine, an infinitely nested, simulation time travelling paradox?


What if someone was living in a simulation and travelled back in time (with future technology) to create a simulation, and it turned out to be the very same simulation that his grandparents came from?


You might call this a Droste Effect Time Spiral Simulation.


I guess if this were to be used as an idea for a movie, then perhaps it would have fitted better if the grandfather was actually the father…


And it would be more interesting if the main character didn’t know, that he was living in a simulation…

at least, not at first.


Also, I guess if He was the creator of the world he himself lived in, that would make him his own God!


Talk about having a God Complex.






If you were able to travel to the past, would there be anything you could do involving direct interaction with humans that would not cause a paradox?


If, every time you travel into the past, you create a new now…

a new timeline, that sits beside the previous timeline, instead of replacing it.


And if you then stayed in your new timeline…

There would never be a paradox.


For example, You could kill your father in the new timeline, because he still exists in the old timeline, where you came from.


Timelines would be like branches.

You don’t jump between branches,

you go back and start a new one.






How does one slow down time as one gets older?



A practical Answer:
Relative Time

Time appears to travel faster or slower, depending on the Age of traveller.


This is because we judge everything based on our own experience (what we know).


For a 'Six year old'... One year is a very long time... because it is One-sixth of its entire experience of Life (Knowledge/Memory Length).


For a 'Sixty year old'... One year is a very short time... because it is One-sixtieth of its entire Life.


A less Practical Answer:
From Zero to the Speed of Time... a Lifetime

Start standing still

From the time when one has the first feelings of self... (first memories)... (this may even be prebirth)...

till the last breath...

they spend the entire time, catching up with time, (the relative speed of time).


Is time moving... or is it just us... moving along the time-line?


If we assume that time is moving... then it must have speed. This is the speed of time.


If it is stationary... and only we move along it... then we must have a speed.


It could be said that each person has their own time, and their own speed... that changes throughout their life. 

Towards the younger years of their life... their personal time runs slower... 

towards the end of life, their personal time is at maximum speed.


This would suggest... that at the extreme beginning of their personal time...

time is practically standing still.


Personal Stationary Time may happen sometime between conception and first (cognitive) self-awareness or memories.

If one imagined Time as a great river...

and each life, as a log of wood... dropped into the river.

The Log will go from stationary... slowly speeding up...

until eventually, it reaches the speed of the great River itself.

At which point... it would appear that we die.


As a side issue, I believe that all mass is based around change.

All our senses are designed by nature to detect change.

Remove the change in a situation....

and it becomes undetectable. (from our point of view)


While we (the log), travel along the river.. catching up to it's (the Rivers) speed..

our mass is travelling slower than the mass of the river...

therefore between the river and Log is a difference in speed...

a friction...

a point or source of change.


Once this friction (change) is resolved...

we cease to be noticed (exist) ...

we die...

or at least, from our point of view, our senses stop detecting life.


This could be used to promote the idea of life after death...

or the soul. 

As of yet... I am not a believer of either.





If at some point in the future, time-travel becomes possible, would that mean it’s possible to time-travel now?


Time travelling into the past, and into the future are two very different things.


Using our understanding of science as it stands today, then travelling into the future may become possible.

We are in fact all doing it right now, in one sense.


However, travelling into the past is a very different thing.


Generally, it is accepted that travelling to the past is impossible, and can never happen.


However there are a couple of ways where I think that it may become possible, but creating the technology is far beyond us at the moment.

I won't say how I think it may happen at this time, since I haven’t completed all the finer details on a possible concept. But I will say, in my opinion, that any ‘travelling into the past’ techniques, will require both a transmitter and receiver.


Therefore, until a receiver is built, travelling into the past is impossible. 

Once a receiver has been built however, travelling to that time (and place), from the future, may become possible.


As of this moment, as far as is generally known, no receiver exists. 

Therefore, No, it is not possible to time travel backwards at this time.


To travel back to a point, in our world, without a receiver, is so much more complex than with one, that one should assume that it is beyond any conceivable future version of mankind to be able to manipulate space-time enough to do so.


I will also point out, that if backwards time travel is ever accomplished, I am sure that it will become immediately made illegal, since any change to the past will affect which path our future will take, and risks removing the Now that we know. It also risks removing Us.


This will become the most important law of all time, and the most stringently enforced.

As a side-note… sending objects backwards through time should be achievable long before sending living creatures.


And sending messages backwards through time should be achievable long before that.


On another note. It may be possible to send back info from the future to a more current message receiver, detailing how to build, modify or improve the receiver, so that it may receive a life form.


Alternatively, From the future, a human mind may be able to be sent back to an Object-Receiver, in the form of an advanced computer and/or robotic ‘human’.


All of this assumes that mankind survives long enough to develop these technologies.






How can the flow of time be the result of universal expansion when the expansion of space itself seems to depend on the flow of time?


Both Richard Muller and I seem to have come to a similar conclusion, related to this topic,

But we both arrived here from different directions.

That in itself could add a tiny bit more clout to our opinions, although it still doesn’t make us right.

(I guess, on the flip side, if one of us is wrong, it could also remove some clout). lol


However, assuming the possibility that we could be correct, Let me just say:

(In reference to the flow of time being the result of universal expansion), One doesn’t necessarily CAUSE the other, or vice versa… They are integrally linked through space-time.

They are one and the same. (Perhaps in a similar way to when you move away from one object, you also move towards another).


A simple way to think about this is:

If you stretch a rubber band in one direction (dimension), it will contract in the other two,

If you stretch a rubber sheet in two directions (dimensions), it will contract in the third dimension.


However, in our universe, it is being stretched in all three dimensions,

therefore it should be contracting in another dimension.

In this case, that would be Time.


Coincidentally, Time across the universe, relative to us (the observer), can be seen to be laid out across the universe, from the present to time zero (the beginning of time).


The present is here now, (in this part of the universe);

the beginning of time (time zero), can be seen towards the edge of the visible universe (in all directions).


Because of the expansion of space, time slows down (relative to us) at the ‘edge’, before it disappears forever through the encroaching universal ‘Event Horizon’ edge. 

(due to the accelerated expansion, time actually runs backwards, just before the edge. But that’s another story).


Time does this relative to any viewpoint in the universe.

Backwards Time?
Cyclic Future History
Predicting the Future
Shape of Time?
Full Speed Backwards
Time relative to Expansion
Viewed from the Outside
Sideways in Time
Reaching Puberty
Right Hand Rule
Time = Half Dimension
Time Travel Paradox
The Nursery of the Universe




How would you describe the complete history of the universe?


How did we Get Here?


 (to be read in the style of a children’s story)


Once apon a time, before there was time,

there was a lot of Nothing, not doing their stuff.
Maybe even many lots of Nothing.

Suddenly some of the Nothings bumped into each other, and they got very angry.
They got so angry that something great happened.
Not just some Something… Every Something!

From where there once was Nothing,

a lack of nothing was suddenly created.
The lack of Nothing became Something.

But the Something was still surrounded by lots and lots of Nothing.

The Something was really too much Something to be staying in one place, 
and there were so many unoccupied places out there, in the Nothing.
So all the Something pushed, and all the Nothing pulled,

and Time showed up, and Change happened.

It was time for a Change.


With all the pushing and pulling…

it was about time, Time showed up.


From that time on, 

Time and Change have hung out together,
Time getting fatter,

and Change never doing nothing.

When Change showed up, all of Nothing’s anger shifted into Something, 
and Something got angry.

The Something was very angry about this…

crashing and bashing about.

Because Change was here,

and there was plenty of Time…
Something stopped pushing and started pulling!

Something got hot.

It was hard work being something.

Nothing stayed cool and didn’t do much. 
Nothing wasn’t angry anymore.


Something was busy though.
There were lots of pulling together parties, 
where the Something played amongst the Nothing. 
All the little Somethings joining the bigger Somethings.


Change wasn’t sitting still though… 

Change was keeping everything moving.
All the Nothing was stretching…

making time for Something.

All the Somethings were moving and spinning…

continuing the realness of Something.

This continued on for a long time…

That was, until the Now arrived.


This last little blip, 
this blip right here, 
This is called Now.
about which we all care.


Now, is when all the sense, 

and change-sensing Senses arrived.


...And Us.




Do memories Time Travel?

Can memories time travel with us, or do we lose them in the past?


There is some debate if Time Travel is actually possible.

(Other than the normal forward time travel that we are all doing right now.)

((Actually, this is not true, Almost everyone knows that time travel is not possible. Only a small handful of us fools believe that it MAY be possible... one day)).


I have a favourite reply to the question: 
‘What’s the time?’
My reply would be: 
‘Something we’re travelling through when we’re not moving’.

Anyway, IF time-travel were possible, the answer to this question would have to depend on how the time-travelling actually worked.


If time-travel involved a person moving back through time while everyone else continued to move forward,

in the typical, well imagined, (H.G.Wells) ‘Time Machine’ type device…

then yes, our memories will travel with us,

in the same way that our nose and thumbs will also travel with us.


If however, time-travel involves moving the ‘Now’ backwards…

changing the point of time that we have all attained. 

If it involves winding time backwards for everyone.

Resetting where Now is. 
Then that is very different.

If it were possible to change where ‘Now’ is… (and that would seem to be very unlikely)…

Then all memories that were created from beyond the point of Now, will not have been created yet.

So, No, we would not keep them.


In fact, I would have to say, that we never had them, since the future hadn’t happened yet.






What would happen if I went back in time and kidnapped myself as a baby?


Old-you would be guilty of kidnap.

and if young-you ever found out what old-you had done, young-you would initially be very angry with old-you.

But young-you wouldn’t blame old-you, because young-you know that old-you had been kidnapped as a child,

and as far as all of the you’s were concerned, this was the norm. it had always been and was always going to continue to happen.

The endless cycle of you kidnapping-you, kidnapping, you... etc infiniteum.






What would happen if there were no time?



Time allows change. 

Life is change.

All senses are designed to sense change.

Mass is made through movement, at a sub-atomic level.

Mass is change, due to electrons moving.


No time, 

no change,

no mass,

no life,

no thing,


Nothing does nothing,

Nothing notices it,

and Nobody knows or cares when there is nobody here.

Nobody screams, and nobody hears







Can anyone imagine rogue time fibres?


Rogue Time fibres:
Some thoughts…

Are we travelling through time... or is time travelling through us?

If we are travelling through time... what is the force that pulls us through it?


Is it related to gravity?


do larger masses travel through time faster?


Will we eventually reach the attractive force source?


Will time stop then?

Or, if time is travelling through us... is it like a huge river, all flowing together in one long mass?

Earth travels in one unified mass but is occasionally struck by small rogue masses (meteorites etc).


Is it possible that there could be small rogue time elements travelling in other directions?

would a rogue time element be influenced by the larger time mass and eventually become one with it?

The centre of the time mass would be more consistent, while the outer edges of the time mass would be more likely to have rough elements.

What would happen if one was struck by a rogue time fibre?


More questions than answers






Could information travel backwards in time?


Yes, using quantum physics.

If quantum Physics is correct.


But it would cost a huge amount, take an enormously long time to set up and prepare for, and then just as long again to achieve it.

The longer the time taken in this preparation time, the further back the data could be sent. 

But the information could not be sent back before now, or the starting time for the preparation.

It would, however, be able to arrive before it was sent, if done correctly.







What would be the repercussions, if one were able to travel a millisecond back in time?


Hypothetically, If one could travel back an extremely small distance in time, It could potentially have a huge effect.


Problem 1:
The body B that 
travels, would be appearing into the same space that is already occupied by the body A, that is about to travel.


What would happen as a result of this?

Body A+B could stay the same size, but double its density and weight. 
Body A+B might NOT stay the same size, it may swell to near double the size. Or,
Body A+B might NOT stay the same size, it may explode to near twice the size.
And if exploding IS the result… are we talking nuclear explosion, or tiny ‘plop’!?


Problem 2:
Body A
travels back into the space of Body B resulting in an unstable body A+B
Body A+B then immediately then travels back into Body A resulting in an even more unstable body A+A+B, which then travels back into Body A again. And again, To infinity and beyond.

A Time feedback loop.


This is likely to result in infinite density self multiplication.

Growing faster than a black hole.


Infinite explosive multiplication.

So much worse than a black hole.


Possible limitations to the infiniteness of growth:
The bandwidth of the Time travelling apparatus may limit or slow 
the self-growth.

The size of the growth may be limited by the size of the Time travel device. 

Once the device is engulfed or destroyed by the growth, the loop will stop.


It is likely that most backwards time travelling experiments will be tested on a small scale first.


I am suggesting that this will be extremely dangerous.



Large time travelling trips backwards will change and end the future, as we know it.

Small time travelling trips backwards may end the future.









Is it possible that aliens are just future humans?



Almost anything could be possible, although some things are less likely than others.

Aliens, UFO’s, ancient aliens, etc, could be the missing time-travellers from the future that never seemed to exist.


Assuming any of those are real. And it is never a good idea to assume things.


On time travel… most forms of time travel into the future, are not actually time travel.


Most of them are really just modified versions of travel.

And there are many ways to do this.

As yet, there don’t appear to be many good ideas on how to achieve time travel into the past.


So to achieve it would involve some thinking in a new direction.


It may be impossible, or just simply beyond what humans at this stage are capable of comprehending…

or it could be really simple, but we just haven’t figured it out yet.


or perhaps, we are doing it all the time, and don’t even know it.


who knows, maybe one day we will find out.


EDIT: Ok, So I have worked out that time travel IS possible into the past. but it is very impractical, very difficult, very expensive, way beyond our current abilities, and can only travel back as early as the first time travelling receiver.







If there's no centre to the universe, can't the Earth be considered relatively the centre?


Yes, it can, 
particularly since you use the word relatively.

Relative to all other parts of the universe moving away from us, we ARE the centre.


If the universe is expanding at a constant rate.


Then with everything in the universe moving away from each other, at some point far enough away from here,

they must be moving (relative to OUR centre of the universe) ( or us), at the speed of light,

where time stands still, where it is still time zero (when the ‘big bang' first happened),

where beyond this point it is travelling outwards faster than light can travel inwards,

therefore it cannot be seen from the centre point of view, because of an Event Horizon,

Just like those surrounding Black Holes,

(except those are caused by gravity, not speed, as it is in our Universal Event Horizon).


If you moved closer to the Event Horizon, it would appear to move away from you at the same speed.


So things from time zero would appear through the blackness of the Event Horizon, as it backed away from you.


And so you could never get near the Event Horizon, and/or the outer edge of the universe,

for to get anywhere near it, you would have to travel faster than the speed of light,

and in the process of doing that, time would slow down to zero.

and so you would never get there.


The Universal Event Horizon is actually a sphere, with us at the centre.


So in a sense, we ARE at the centre of our universe


No matter where on Earth we look from…

No matter that Earth spins around the Sun, which moves within an arm of the spiral we call the Milky-way, etc. etc.


No matter what speed we travel at, we stay at the dead centre of our universal visibility sphere.


in fact anyone, no matter where they are looking from,

from any part of the universe, is at the centre of their universe.



It is a sphere of maximum visual limitation.



No matter how good our technology ever becomes, to see further, brighter, larger…


We will never see (or move) past the wall of this dome.


Our dome, That contains us, and always stays a set distance from us.


this distance is calculable.




Kidnap myself
No Time?
Sending info Back
Rogue Time Fibers?
Millisec back in time?
Aliens future Us?
Centre of the Universe
New Time = New Space

In Dr. Muller's theory that the creation of new space leads to new time, does he postulate that all new time (the now) is created by new space?


ok, so I haven’t read all Dr. Mullers theory,

In fact I have only just heard about him…


But I suggest that although he is on the right path, he hasn’t got it quite right just yet.


Do correct me if I misunderstand what he says, but here is MY postulated theory:


Yes, there is an obvious link between space expansion and time.


One causes the other, although I can’t be certain which causes which.


But space is stretching. Not growing. Stretching in 3 dimensions, resulting in a stretch which is time.


Not growing, because our universe is actually becoming smaller,

as a result of the accelerated expansion (explained further down).


Here is a part of one of my ideas for a theory:

Time Engine:

Scott’s law of time induction

(based on multiple preliminary ideas)


preliminary idea 1.

time and space are connected


assuming preliminary idea 1a:

Einstein’s Theory of relativity.

The faster an object travels, the slower its time travels.

the closer to the speed of light an object travels, the closer it gets to zero time passing.


Assuming preliminary idea 1b:

The fastest speed possible is the speed of light.

If 1a and 1b are correct, then


preliminary idea 1c:

Inverted time / Space expansion

All galaxies are accelerating away from each other.


If galaxy 1 is moving away from Galaxy 2, and 2 from 3, etc. the separating speed of all galaxies in a measurable line, must be added together (combined).


Because of the huge number of galaxies in that line, each of which is moving away from its neighbour, the furthest extremes of that line must be moving away from each other very very very quickly.


From a point near the ‘centre' of the universe (or furthest from the edge of the universe), to the edge…

that distance must be expanding at the fastest possible speed measurable.


It makes sense that that speed must be the speed of light.


If 1a, 1b and 1c are correct, then preliminary idea 1d:

At the outer edge of the universe, travelling at the speed of light, 1a says that time is stationary.


At the edge, time hasn’t changed from the time of the big bang.


Since time isn’t moving there, It is still the beginning of time at the edge of the universal sphere.


At the ‘centre' of the universe, time is travelling forwards, at the speed of time.


From the outer edge to the centre… time is stretched / laid out.


Time and space are one… connected… interwoven.


one creates the other.


Assuming preliminary idea 1e:

the expansion of the universe is accelerating


Side preliminary idea 1f:

Accelerated Universal expansion has been hard to explain by some, and so dark matter and dark energy have been invented to help explain the ‘why’.


But they are not needed. the answer is simple.


All energy prefers to be balanced, stable or even.


just as the membrane of a bubble likes to stretch evenly over its surface,


or a drop of water in a vacuum will expand to become gas, and then individual atoms, spreading the atoms as evenly as it can, in all directions.


If the forces that hold matter together (surface tension or the outer skin, or solids) are NOT stronger than the forces that require matter to be evenly distributed… (the vacuum) when the forces / pressure (such as an atmosphere) are removed, then the ‘desire’ to expand is only counteracted by the forces that hold it together… assuming they are strong enough.


When matter is put into a vacuum… it has a desire to fill the vacuum as evenly as it can.


When matter (the universe) sits in a vacuum (the nothing outside the universe)…

it will expand out into that nothing.


There is a balancing force, pulling it out until the nothing is full.


the force will continue until that nothing is no longer nothing.


the nothing outside the universe is (for all intense and purposes) infinite.


therefore, no matter how much the universe expands to fill it… it never will.


Therefore the force sucking the universe out into the nothing will continue on forever.


Therefore, since the force is always being applied, the expansion of the universe will continue to accelerate,

until the forces that hold the universe together are overpowered.


For this continual acceleration of expansion… no dark energy is required…

just balance and the desire for all things being equal.


side note 1g:

This continual stretching of space out into the nothing will have a result eventually:

The universe will eventually be stretched so far that it will either, turn to distant atoms (plasma),

or individual vectors of energy, or lost planets, or lost galaxies,

or the entire universe will tear into many pieces, creating new smaller universes,

or implode back on itself resulting in some bizarre new dimensional side effect.


continuation of preliminary idea 1e:

Creation of Time 1

If the outer edge of the universe stays as time zero, and time stretches forward towards the ‘centre' of the universe… then as the universe continually expands, and accelerates its expansion, new time is created at the centre of the universe and is dragged out at an ever decreasing rate the further out it goes.


The expansion of the universe gives time its direction… from zero to the present.


The acceleration of the expansion of the universe creates time… for the future.


As that created-time is stretched out over us, that future-time becomes our present, and then instantly becomes our past. (no I don’t necessarily mean there is future time waiting for us, but the inertia of the great expansion means that you KNOW that the future is guaranteed).


continuation of preliminary idea 1e2:

Creation of Time 2

Stretching space = contracting time

3 dimensions expanding = 4th shrinking



If a rubber-band is stretched along one dimension, it will become thinner in the other two dimensions.


If an elastic sheet is stretched along its two dimensions, it will become thinner in the third dimension.


Space, however, is being stretched in all three dimensions,


I suggest that it should be becoming thinner in another dimension.


The obvious dimension would be the 4th. Time.

And it just so happens that time DOES appear to match that exactly.


It is stretching at right angles to each of the other 3 dimensions, and shows itself in the perception of time from any point.


From any given point (where the viewer is), time runs at its maximum speed, size, stretch, (whatever you wish to call it.)

At a set distance from that point (in all directions) the universe is stretching outwards at the speed of light,

creating a sphere from which a viewer (standing at the centre point) cannot see beyond.



This dome creates an outer event horizon and is almost time zero.

(because of the accelerating expansion, time zero actually sits inside the event horizon).



For all intents, as far as the viewer is concerned, this sphere IS the universe.



But the point is, Time is stretched to its maximum at the centre of the sphere, and not stretched at all at the edge of the sphere.

In other words, time spans from ‘time present’ in the centre, to time zero at the outer edge.



Time as we know it lays from the beginning of time, to now, perfectly across the universe.



This suggests to me that either the expansion of the universe creates time as we know it…


or time is the force that is expanding the universe.











More ideas on this:

Universal Event Horizon - and alien contact



The universe has an event horizon surrounding it.



If the universe is expanding at a constant rate, with everything in the universe moving away from each other,

at some point far enough away from here, they must be moving (relative to OUR centre of the universe, or us),

away from us, at the speed of light, where time stands still, where it is still time zero (when the ‘big bang' first happened), where beyond this point (relative to us), it is travelling outwards faster than light can travel inwards,

therefore it cannot be seen from the centre, because of an Event Horizon, just like those surrounding Black Holes, (except those are caused by gravity, not speed, as it is in our Universal Event Horizon).


If you moved closer to the Event Horizon, it would appear to move away from you at the same speed.


So things from time zero would appear through the blackness of the Event Horizon, as it backed away from you.


And so you could never get near the Event Horizon, and/or the outer edge of the universe, for to get anywhere near it, you would have to travel faster than the speed of light, and in the process of doing that, time would slow down to zero. and so you would never get there.


The Universal Event Horizon is actually a sphere, with us at the centre.


So in a sense, we ARE at the centre of our universe).

In fact anyone, no matter where they are looking from, 
from any part of the universe, is at the centre of their universe.


It is a sphere of maximum visual limitation.


No matter how good our technology ever becomes, to see further, brighter, larger… we still could never see out past the wall of this dome.

Our dome, that always stays a set distance from us.

This distance is calculable.


If the expansion is accelerating, then Because of the expansion acceleration, the outer edges are reaching the speed of light earlier… therefore the Event Horizon is moving inwards.


And out near the Event horizon, there is a point that might have been 2 years old recently,

but because the Event Horizon (speed of light point) has moved closer, that 2-year-old point at some stage will become 1 year old and then zero.


So time out near the event horizon is running backwards... relative to us. 


Time in OUR centre of the universe is running forwards, so between the forward running time and the backward running time is time zero.


So I have shown that relatively, perceptually, time can appear to run backwards.


This also means that, when we develop the technology to see far enough… we will be able to see the big bang, or whatever it was.

And by looking out in different directions, we will be able to see the creation of the universe from every direction. and therefore we will be able to recreate a 3D image of it.


Since the further towards the outer edges of OUR universe that we look, the further back in time we can see...

This also means that, any distant ‘alien’ Life from those outer edges looking back at us, will see the same effect.


They will be looking back towards a time when before our planet first formed. They will not see any life here at all. (Certainly not anything like us).


So, distant advanced life forms will not see or have any clue that we exist.

Just as we can’t ever have any idea that they do either.


Therefore, the only advanced lifeforms that can ever see or reach us, must come from relatively ‘nearby’.

And if they can see us… then it must be 'possible' for us to see them.

Assuming we are looking. and know what we are looking for.


There is an exception to the limitation of our Personal Universal Event Horizon.


If something beyond the PUEH were travelling very fast towards us, it would become visible to us again.


The PUEH visual limitation is caused by all the Universally Extremely distant light sources travelling away from us faster than its light can travel towards us.


If something was travelling fast, relative to its local neighbourhood, in our direction, then its relative speed would undo some of the effects of the universal expansion.


Therefore we would see it.


Similarly, it would be able to see us.


If an object were travelling at near the speed of light towards us, then it could be seen from almost twice the distance in its forward direction. (and zero in its rear direction)


If one were wanting to double the distance of view to the PUEH, then developing a camera that can take an image while in a (short throw) fast forward movement (stffm).


Perhaps a lens set on a forward spinning wheel. (If it were able to spin up towards the speed of light).

This would increase the distance of view, AND move the relative view in time towards the present day. In other words, it would move the view into its future.


So when looking into the distant universe, one looks into the past.


If one were on the lookout for advanced life, then they couldn’t be seen at the distant edge, since they hadn’t evolved yet.


To look for distant advanced cultures, an (stffm) forward moving camera would need to be designed.


Of course, all talk of moving at the speed of light needs to be thought more about, and taken with a grain of salt…

since it also (apparently) comes with infinite length and infinite mass. or does it?







time speed idea: (theory)


If we can see the same distance in one direction of a dimension as we can in the opposite direction…

and yet we can see twice that distance in the leading direction of a dimension and zero in the following direction, if travelling at the speed of light…

it makes me wonder…


When we look at Time, a dimension where we appear to be travelling in one direction (towards the future), while being able to see only in the opposite (into the past).

If memories can be interpreted as seeing into the past.


Then, if time were to be treated in the same way as the other 3 dimensions,

it could be suggested, that we are travelling backwards through time, at the speed of light.


Since travelling in any other dimension at the speed of light, automatically limits our view to only the forward view…

and travelling backwards in any other dimension at the speed of light, automatically limits our view to only the view behind us, (the direction of our travel).


This does appear to be somewhat similar to the view that we have of time… but backwards.

It should be the other way around.


Based on our understanding of the 3 main dimensions that we live in, the 4th dimension (time) should run the other way around.


We should be seeing in the direction that we are travelling. we are not.


this suggests that we are in fact travelling through time backwards.


This also suggests that it should be possible to travel through time forwards.


I propose that although it may seem normal to us, to passage through time in the manner that we do…

it is not the norm.


Time is running backwards.


The normal way to move through time, should enable us to see where we are going…

to see into the future.


And seeing into our past is not overly useful.


Sure, we have adapted well to our backward environment,

but knowing where we are going, would make more sense than knowing where we have been.


If we are travelling in the 4th dimension backwards from the norm, this would suggest that travelling the other way through time IS the norm.


So how could one travel the other way?


is there another SIDE to time?


(eg in the time curve that shows maximum time speed at the local centre, and minimum time speed in the distant Personal Universal Event Horizon).


The other side of the time curve would show minimum time speed at the local centre, and maximum time speed at the distant PUEH.


So time would run backwards on one side of the line (our side), and forwards on the other.


In other words, time runs both directions at the same time.


would we see something travelling in the opposite direction in time?


If the 4th dimension (time) were running in both directions concurrently,

and something (or someone) were to pass by in the same space of the other same 3 dimensions as we are right now… would we notice?


Alternatively, time may not run both directions at the same time… time may run one way, and then the other, bouncing back and forth, infinitely repeating.


potentially running alongside the expansion and contraction of the universe.









Is the universe inside out?



What if the outside of the universe was the inside?

What if space were curved so that the outside edges met back on each other?


The only similarity I can immediately think of is like the flux lines of a magnet. but that would suggest polarity… and there isn’t…

(except for a recently heard of pear-shaped ‘atom?’, but I don’t know much about that).



However… what if… an infinitely super-massive black hole (or something similar) was at the centre of the universe.


The centre being what we would see as the outside edge.


The universe being curved or warped, so that from our point of view it APPEARS that the outer reaches are on the outer… but in reality are on the inner.


This could be because the actual central singularity is either so strong that it has warped, or even created, the entire universe… or alternatively, our perspective is warped beyond recognition, because we are INSIDE the singularity… somehow.


But the reason I have said all this, is because Einstein once said:

'gravity and acceleration are the same thing’.


The Universe’s expansion is accelerating… and this has been difficult for science to explain without creating Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

In fact, every time the speed is checked, it proves to be even faster than expected.


What if, the acceleration towards the outer edges, is actually, (in my inside out concept) acceleration to the centre.


Acceleration towards the centre is common through gravity.


Acceleration towards the outside is NOT common. infact it is only seen in one place… the universal expansion.


And it doesn’t make sense, unless Einstein was correct when he said 'gravity and acceleration are the same thing’.



There is another explanation for the expaning universe, which is similar but the other way around, and perhaps easier to understand. 

If we were all falling into a super large Black hole type gravity well, but we can see the rest of the universe moving away from us because it isn't falling into the well as fast as we are. So what appears to be expansion, as actually us shrinking.






What if it wasn't a Big Bang?



What if there was no BIG BANG?

(Alternative to BIG BANG theory)


In the same way that all material on a bubble attempts to spread itself evenly over the surface of the bubble...


...and the land masses of earth attempt to move towards an evenly balanced spacing from an uneven origin, (caused when a large portion of the planet's surface was removed due to the unparalleled collision (creating the now present moon), continental drift (or more accurately continental separation/expansion) towards the Pacific). ('drift' suggests random movement, without reason.)


... the mass of all the galaxies in space, spread out to balance the density of the universe.

(Did you notice me trying to explain a radical theory by comparing it to another radical theory?)


If the majority of the infinite universe is an empty vacuum stretching on forever...


and the comparitivley dense collection of all space mass that makes up the finite universe, (the material that would normally be regarded as originating from the big bang), takes up a tiny portion of the infinite empty vacuum... then it will naturally spread out, attempting to balance the density of the entire infinite space.


All mass moving towards the infinite vacuum in an attempt to balance all forces.


Put anything into a vacuum, and it will attempt to expand and fill the vacuum.


That is what the universe is doing... spreading out to attempt to fill the infinite vacuum.


Not so much because of a force pushing out from the centre... but because the distant space is a vacuum... and vacuums suck.


And what happens to time in this situation?


If the speed of universal expansion determines the speed of light and/or time, and/or if there is any connection at all, (and there does appear to be some link) then what will happen when/if the universe is somehow not infinite? (due to either a hard limit, an extra dimentional effect like space curving and meeting itself, or some other unthought of reason).


Could there come a time when the universe is totally balanced?

In other words... an end to all expansion.


If there is an expansion, time link, and expansion stops... could time stop with it?


Or if the universe reaches its full expansion and then starts to fall back on itself (contracting), falling into the mother of all black holes... will time be running backwards?


And why did space start so unbalanced?


If space started with an infinite vacuum... then where did the mass come from?


Or possibly more importantly, where did the imbalance come from?


On earth, the imbalance was caused by a collision removing a side of the planet...


In an experiment, often a chemical imbalance is caused by adding a foreign substance...


So... could the universal imbalance of mass to vacuum, be caused by either the sudden appearance of mass in a vacuum...

or by the sudden dissappearance of all the mass that doesn't now exist?


or did the mass suddenly appear from somewhere else?






Can you imagine 3-dimensional space and time as 3 sheets, all touching each other?



For example:

Multiple dimensions float about on their own, as flexible sheets in the nothing.


Each sheet is one dimension, of infinite length.


A sheet would normally be thought of as two dimensions.


And so it is… one dimension by time.


Sheet A comes near sheet B


Where-ever they touch, flat space is created.


There are light attractive forces between sheets once they contact, weakly holding them together.


So the point of contact between them rapidly spreads out increasing that flat space of 2 dimensional reality.


That sheet of reality could be called A-B.


Somewhere else on the infinite sheet A, another sheet C may come in contact, repeating the spreading growth of flat realit called. A-C


These two spreading areas of reality eventually run into each other, creating a joining of flat realities.


At this joining point, where A-B meets A-C, sheets B and C will touch, becoming a point of 3 dimensional reality A-B-C


Sheet A is pressing into the other two, half to sheet B, and half to sheet C, creating a flexible triple spoked, weakly bonded, 3 dimensional point.


But the universe does not appear triple spoked.

Because in a similar way to a hologram, every part is shared with every other part.

(In a hologram, each point on a holographic recording includes information about light scattered from every point in the scene).


The point at which the triple sheets A-B-C meet, is the 3 dimensional point.

And it happens everywhere within our universe.


Over time, Matter appears in this space.


This 3 dimensional everywhere universe.


Where-ever matter appears, it locks the 3 dimensions together, and makes it inseperapable.


The force locks the dimensions together at each and every point of matter.


Gravity could be a side effect of this inter-dimensional locking force.


This force of matter bondage between the dimensions, causing the matter to attract to other nearby matter. (Gravity).


A viscosity effect on the sheets between each matter lock point, presentsw itself as gravity.


(Like the helix of DNA, where the bonds lock one side onto the other, so too, does matter lock the dimensions together).






If we ever manage to time travel, does that mean there are time travelers traveling through our time now?



So much could be said on this topic…



But here is a small idea for you to think about.



It is likely that any type of safe, controlled Time Travel, (if ever possible), may require a transmitter and a receiver.


What this means is that the first receiver can probably only be created after the Time Traveling technique is invented…


and so, the earliest time that Time travellers can travel back to, is the time of the creation of the first ever receiver.


Therefore, until the time traveling technique is invented,

we won't be seeing any time travellers.






What would happen if you could see youself in the past?


See yourself or meet yourself?


To see yourself could be possible.. using laser vision, computer algorithms for image stability and focus, bouncing of a surface 30 light years away. (EDIT: fixed distance)


To meet yourself (would involve actual time travel), may or may not ever be possible, and would cause all sorts of ripple on after effects.


What would be interesting… would be if you looked back and could see stuff happening, that you are sure never happened!






A new form of Pear-Shaped Atomic Nuclei were confirmed, suggesting time travel is impossible. What could debunk this statement?


The pointing isotope doesn’t prove anything in connection with the possibility / or not of traveling through time.


What it does suggest (if real) is that there may be a polarity to space. 

i.e. a fixed direction. A Prime Direction.

We may find that from other parts of space it may point in a different direction, and that in itself may prove to be quite significant. (Related to the creation of, and shapeof, and even death of, the universe).


If there is a fixed direction, we may give it a name, which could be as useful as our ‘North’.


And all other directions could be at either 90° or 180° from that fixed direction.


A link to Time, could be, that the forth dimension (time); in the same way that there are rules like those related to magnetism, movement, and current; could also be on a plane at right angles to the Prime Direction. (and perhaps all other directions)






Has evolution ever shown evidence of time travel?


Before reading further, just a note to say that many of the things that I say
are not necessarily things that I believe in… They are mental exercises.

(an idea cannot breathe, if it never feels the air)


Leaning into Time:

Time appears to run faster at certain times and slower at others...


this is normally assumed to be only a perceived change due to distraction and adrenaline side effects.


For example when busy doing fun stuff, time seems to fly, or when in an accident time seems to slow down.


But what if this change was more than just a perception?


What if we have an ability that we don't know about?


When we ride a bike, we turn a corner by leaning, without realising or needing to know it... we just do it.


What if, as we evolved to become the humans that we now are, we developed an extra saftey feature to help our survival... but one we didn't know we had?


What if (somehow), a side effect of adrenalin was to have a slight infuence on how we move through time?


When we move our hand... we see it move... therefore we learn and understand how to control it.


But if we were able to have subtle effects on the way we float in time, we would probably not see the effects, so we wouldn’t understand or even know that we were doing it.


We would infact tend to believe that it wasn't happening, because we couldn't see it.


But what if... to help our survival, we evolved, with a surge of adrenalin, the ability to lean into time?

To slow it down temporarily, enough even to in some cases avoid an accident.


If an ability were possible, and it aided an individuals survival, then evolution would be biased towards encouraging that ability. Simply by reducing the survival rate of those that didn't have it.


In the same way that some people have larger noses, fatter fingers, smaller eyes...

different people may have variable ways and abilities to lean into time.


Variations in circadian rhythms (the time keepers of living things) could be examples of individual time leaning.







The universe is expanding faster than light so time is going backward. Is it possible that the future of the universe is its past?



All of this is relative to our point of view (every point of view will see the same effect, in their own way)


If the expansion is accelerating, then Because of the expansion acceleration, the outer edges are reaching the speed of light earlier than previously… therefore the Event Horizon is moving closer.


And out near the Event horizon, (relative to us) there is a point that might have been only 2 years old recently, but because the Event Horizon (speed of light point) has moved closer, that 2 year old point at some stage will become 1 year old and then zero.


So time out near the event horizon is running backwards (relative to us).


Time in OUR centre of the universe, is running forwards, so between the forward running time and the backward running time is time zero. (and possibly a view of the big bang)


So I have shown that relatively, perceptually, time can appear to run backwards.


As the universe accelerates, the percentage that appears to run backwards will grow.


But just to clarify… the time isn’t actually running backwards. It only appears to relative to us.


An alien living at that point will see their own time running forwards, but will see OURS to be running backwards in the same way that we see theirs to be.






What would a sphere look like if its inside out and outside out at the same time?



A sphere can easily be one or the other, but as I see it, it can only be both perceptionally.


In other words, you must look at it in different ways to see both.

However, in answer to the question…


It would look like our universe.


because the universe is expanding,

time on the outer edge is not moving,

so it is still time zero,

so therefore it hasn’t changed since the big bang,

so therefore, the outer edge is still the centre of the universe.

I explain some of this elsewhere.


So… the universe is inside out, and outside out at the same time.






Will the universe eventually reproduce?



Universal Reproduction:

The Universe continues to expand to the point where the force pulling it out, becomes larger than the forces holding it together.


Like a droplet of water on a sheet of glass, where the bonding forces pull it together, creating the viscosity (surface tension) effect, and Gravity squashes it out.


If it was in a vacuum... there would also be a force sucking the droplet out in every direction.


It has been suggested that the Universe might dissolve or cease to exist when the bonding forces are over powered by the expansion forces... But I believe that the Universe is more likely to split onto 'pieces'.


Shock waves of the splitting would resonate in from the outer edges of each new smaller universe... destroying everything within the universe, so that it would start all over again.


a clean slate.


This shock wave as it passes through the centre point would create an expanding wave very much like the big bang singularity.


Within each new 'piece', a new Universe would form.


Similarly to the way that cells reproduce...


so do Universes.






If time is slower on a spaceship moving away from earth than on earth, can't you say that earth moves away from spaceship and time is slower on earth?


If a space ship travels away from Earth and returns, relativity says that each experiences time differently, but one is not moving faster than the other. How can that be? 



This is not an answer, just more thought on the topic.


Time Slippage (or Dilation):
I am just wondering if there is something wrong with the “if a space ship travels to the nearest star and back again” story that is commonly used to describe what I call time slippage. 

It is dependant on one object travelling faster than another. 

Eg. spaceship faster than earth. 

But since everything is relative… which is moving faster? 

Ship or earth? Is the earth not moving rapidly away from ship

No point in space is actually stationary, although any point can be seen as stationary if that is where we happen to be. 

Is the earth staionary because that is where we live? 

So if neither ship or earth can be seen as moving faster than the other, why should time affect them differently?


I have tried to consider ‘distance traveled’ as an alternative to ‘speed’ as time slippage trigger, and have looked at the force required to accelerate and change direction as it works against inertia as the cause, but I am considering many alternatives.

What if space is held together by a ever expanding stretched membrane in all directions. 

Lets call this force Time.


Anything that travels across/through this membrane at a different rate to the universal constant rate of expansion, encounters the effect I call slippage.






How can I control time travel to an exact day?



You can’t.


No one can.


And no one will be able to… until somebody invents/discovers a way to time travel.


And even when/if that ever happens, there will be many inaccurate and lost T. travellers, before the ‘techs that be’ develop the understanding and computing power to calculate safe and accurate landings.


However, there may be a safer way, where T. travelling requires both a transmitter and a receiver.

In which case, there will be many fewer losses.


Firing a ball into the void of time and space is much more accurate if the target is trying to catch the object.


Even better, if the ball is fired into every void of time and space, but can only land where the catchers mitt waits..








If the Universe is expanding, is it true that light that we now view from distant stars, originated when those stars were much closer to the earth?



yes and no.


Yes, the light that we now view from distant stars, originated when those stars were much closer than they are now.


No, the light that we now view from distant stars, originated from where the stars were when the light first left them, not where they are now.


So where we see them, is where they were, not where they are.


Where they are now, is much further away than they appear.






If I can build a machine that could travel to any point in space, does that mean I can travel to any point in time?



Despite all the ‘No’s’ that most people answer to this question… You are partially correct. 

If the teleportation is instantaneous.

Teleportation will take you into the past.


Not teleporting, takes you into the future.


The further you teleport, in any direction, the further into the past you will travel.


But you cannot travel into the past here. You must be somewhere else.


Perhaps, in the future, with a better understanding of quantum physics, we may be able to be here and at a distant point at the same time. Quantum teleportation. (That distant point being also distant past).


And if we then managed to teleport a teleport transmitter to that distant past. It could be then possible to teleport back here, to our distant past.


A very complex way to time travel… but then, it isn’t intended to be easy.


The other difficulty with quantum time travelling, is that it very likely will require both a teleport transmitter and teleport receiver.


Which also means that travelling here from the future cannot happen, until we first build a receiver.


Which could be why we have seen little evidence of time travelling…


It hasn’t been invented yet.






How can I turn a tool shed into a time machine?



It already is.

Try it out, and you’ll see that it works.


To verify what I say, take one stop watch.

Start the stop watch as you enter the tool shed.

Wait. (perhaps count a tool or two)

Check your stop watch.

The longer you wait, and the more often that you check that watch, the slower time will appear to travel.


However, no matter how hard you stare at the stop watch, time will continue to travel forwards.

You will notice, that if you stop the stop watch at the exact time that you leave the tool shed… time will have travelled.


ps. This involves no ‘turning’ and very few ‘tools’. 

And for any members of the SPCT, absolutely no Time was hurt in the process.








If you fell into a black hole, would time speed up, slow down or stay constant?


 If you fell into a black hole, would it seem to take a long time or a short time?


Falling into a blackhole... forever: ?


Ignoring physical stretching…

If we accept that... 
the faster you go, the slower time passes, relative to anyone not travelling quickly... 

and if.. 
no matter how fast you travel, and no matter how slow your time speed may appear to others,

your own time always appears to pass normally...

and if... 
a black hole has gravity strong enough to bend light back on itself,

causing anything falling into it to travel at up to the speed of light.

then as you fall into a black hole,

you will speed up towards the speed of light,

and time for you will stay normal,


while relative to others, time will slow down until it practically stands still…


 (Ooops! This next section is where I was thinking backwards. )

In other words... time will stretch. 

Watching an object fall into a black hole... it will take a very short time.

Being the actual object falling into a black hole... it may take forever.

Generations (of people) could evolve while falling...

in fact (if the speed of light is actually achieved) then from the fallers’ perspective, they aren't falling at all,

since the time it takes to fall is stretched towards infinity.

I was pondering this morn... that if there were a universal big bang...

the speed from the initial big explosion, travelling at up to the speed of light... could cause infinite time...

the endless expanse of time in which we exist.

Although... if the big bang were viewed from outside... the universe’s existence could be over in a split sec...


(thinking around the right way this time… hopefully)

Time slowing down is a confusing concept: this does not mean it lasts longer. It means that its rate reduces.

If time slows down, that means that less time passes, not more.


So if one travels at or near the speed of light, time will practically stand still;

while for others not travelling, time will continue on normally. 

There are 3 ways to perceive time… 3 different points of view.


  1. one’s own time always appears normal, relative to oneself.
    (person A on earth) or (person B in spaceship)

  2. other faster moving objects have slower (less) time relative to oneself.
    (person B in spaceship relative to person A)

  3. other slower moving objects have faster (more) time relative to oneself.
    (person A on earth relative to person B in 

Ok, so if travelling fast results in less time passing for oneself,

then the previous idea of time stretching while falling into a black hole is wrong.


In reality, time does the opposite.


Time will pass instantly.





Universe reproduce?
spaceship planet relativity
Exact date time travel
Universal EH - Alien contact
Where is Time Zero?
Time Speed theory
Universal-Event-Horizon image
Universal Event Horizon image
No Big Bang
3 D sheets touching
Time travellers now?
see your past
Universal polarity
Evolution - Time Travel
Future - Past?
Inside out
pin point T Travel
Time in a Black Hole
bottom of page